• "Hero Of The Nile?"
  • "The 5 Layers of the Ocean"
  • "Turning Their Backs On Climate Change"
  • Installation at the museum
  • P101_1
  • P101_3_0
  • P101_5_0
  • P101_6
  • P101_7
  • P101_4

A week-long workshop project exploring the National Maritime Museum and its collection with young people from Greenwich, aged 15 – 18.  The young people were encouraged to think critically about questions of acquisition, ownership, interpretation and meaning, in the context of maritime history – particularly of the British Empire. In doing this, they formulated a series of statements and questions which were put on an interactive display for visitors to engage with.

They also used cameras to photograph objects in the museum, using the images to make collage artworks which were put on display in the Sammy Ofer wing.

The project was led by Geoff Johnston and Bhavesh Hindocha.


Launch Project