Inna Vision Film School [2013-2014] was a year long participatory arts project in East London, working with adults with lived experience of mental health issues, and those without. The aim was to make films that challenge stigma and discrimination around mental health, with a particular focus on issues affecting African and Caribbean communities in the UK.
Inna Vision was designed to be a supportive film making community – beneficial to the individuals in terms of confidence, skills and social contact, but not therapeutic in a medical sense. It was a platform for creative self expression – ambitious in its artistic aims and reflexive in its process. As well as film, we utilised social media as a teaching tool within the project and externally to promote our work.
Films were made throughout the project, and were presented by the participants at a series of community events around London. They provoked lively, informed and moving discussions around themes of mental health. The films have been viewed several thousand times on our Vimeo channel. They were also selected for screening at the East End Film Festival and Disability Film Festival 2014. One of the films, “Meet Alice” by Amy Spiteri, was nominated for the Mind Media Awards 2014 in the Student Journalism category.
Inna Vision was led by Bhavesh Hindocha and Geoff Johnston. It was a partnership between Social Action for Health, Mellow (Sandra Griffiths), East London Hopefuls and Loud Minority. It was funded by Time To Change, England’s biggest programme to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.
Films shown here:
“Who Taught You To Hate” by Basil Kinghorn
“Qui Devrais Je Croire?” by Cedoux K. Tshizanga
“Meet Alice” by Amy Spiteri
“Let Me Speak” by Nigel Madhoo
“Jade” by Hamish Graham & Ilaria Vecchi
“The Phyllis Grant Guide To Well-Being” by Phyllis Grant
“Strong Verbals” by Des Blake
Launch Project